We’re very pleased to announce that the Turkish dialogues have now been recorded in Ankara. The recordings were managed by John Angliss.

The finalised recordings mark a significant milestone in the project’s progression.

Up until now we used basic recordings from the Turkish author, Beyhan Güler who did a splendid job but often had to take on multiple roles – sometimes playing both parts in a simple dialogue between two people!

Obviously, we cannot rush into recordings too early on since the dialogues evolve over time. Our feedback from our initial trials, for example, indicated that some dialogues needed to be simplified or shortened. Other times, we have modified linguistic and grammatical aspects, for example we have taken phrases out, modified Turkish idioms and changed specific key words. There have also been cultural changes, such as, how our characters should address each other – i.e., formally or informally.

Recordings are costly – incurring costs of the studio, all the actors plus the post-recording editing, splicing and uploading. Whilst the recording can take only a day, post production can take much longer. The dialogues, therefore, need to be finalised before we record. Thankfully, we had reached that stage!


Turkish Language Speakers


A few words about the dialogues

The dialogues are in many ways the ‘gem’ of the entire project – even though they might appear quite unremarkable at first glance. It is important to note that the dialogues aren’t simply a coincidental account of two people speaking Turkish. In many ways these dialgoues are a work of art: carefully crafted by Udo, Beyhan, Carl and John. The dialogues incorporate years of language learning experience particularly from Udo Hennig.

Each dialogue is almost holographic in its nature: they are set in situations that you are likely to find yourself; they contain useful formulaic language which you can use as a foundation when communicating; they contain cultural idioms and expressions that you might encounter or might wish to use to get a better feel of the language; they inform the language activities; and they address a specific grammatical topic which is discussed further in the language notes so that you can become more creative with your language. On top of this, the dialogues attempt to be natural and yet not too difficult! You can imagine how intricate the dialogues are.

We are, therefore, very pleased that the Turkish dialogues – after a tremendous amount of work – are now finalised and recorded!

Learners can look forward to new recordings in the Turkish online language course and in the apps!

A special thank you to John and all the speakers as well as Udo, Beyhan and Carl for their hard work on the dialogues.





Learn Turkish online with HandsOnTurkish!

The new EU-funded HandsOnTurkish project gives individuals and businesses the chance to acquire Turkish for vocational purposes and gain a better awareness of Turkish culture and business etiquette.

Businesses can access the free HandsOnTurkish eLearning course – available online or downloadable for iPads andsmartphones via the Apple and Android Appstores.

Thank you for visiting HandsOnTurkish. Our award winning interactive courses of Turkish have been developed for anyone with a genuine interest in the Turkish language and Turkish culture, whether for private, educational or professional reasons and are specially designed for self-study. Our website and our language courses are free from advertisements and we don't share any personal details of our visitors or registered members with third parties. Nor do we sell data for targeted advertising. We believe passionately that learning should be free from commercial distractions. For this reason we rely on subscriptions to fund the development of our products. Click here to find out more about our online Turkish courses.