The Android HandsOnTurkish app has been updated with a number of improvements and extra content.
Key updates
- Updated code to ensure that fast interaction is possible on all devices.
- New and cleaner interface design.
- New navigation layout at the top and bottom.
- Access to the table of contents from the Android system buttons
- New interactive sounds for correct and incorrect answers
- New activties including: missing words, spelling.
- Extra content including the following new units:
- Dinner in Turkey
- They way back to the hotel
- Doing business in Bursa
- Getting down to business
- Further translations into German, Italian, Dutch and French
The handsonturkish app is available from the Google Play appstore for free. The app is available for smartphones and tablets and can be used in portrait or landscape mode.
The team have also submitted the HandsOnTurkish Compact app to the Apple Appstore which is now awaiting review.
The team are also continuing to work on tracking system so that learners can monitor their time and receive certification for their time and language learning achievement.
Please scroll through the screenshots below
HandsOnTurkish is an innovative Turkish language learning app, developed by a pan-European team of publishers, developers, linguists and designers.
The project has been co-funded by the European Union and aims to improve access to the Turkish language and culture for business and businesspeople who wish to deal in Turkey.
Thank you for visiting HandsOnTurkish. Our award winning interactive courses of Turkish have been developed for anyone with a genuine interest in the Turkish language and Turkish culture, whether for private, educational or professional reasons and are specially designed for self-study. Our website and our language courses are free from advertisements and we don't share any personal details of our visitors or registered members with third parties. Nor do we sell data for targeted advertising. We believe passionately that learning should be free from commercial distractions. For this reason we rely on subscriptions to fund the development of our products. Click here to find out more about our online Turkish courses.