Some big news coming up! Unit 6 and Unit 7 are almost ready to be released to public beta!

But firstly: Recently we also discovered a bug which suddenly appeared when we embedded the Turkish interface into the CMS website. Even stranger, the bug only manifested on Firefox and Internet Explorer.

Locusta Liquirizia reports that the bug is related to the dynamic loading of the Table of Contents and the Navigation when the program first loads. The ToC draws on all the XML available and then creates the structure on the fly. Each individual file is loaded until the end of the unit is reached at which point the system notices that he can’t find any more module files so he moves onto the next unit. This notification, for some reason, was no longer compatible with Firefox and Explorer. We have, as such, rearranged the structure and how the ToC is created.

The bug has now been fixed!

More Turkish Language content

Unit 6 deals with “The way back to the hotel” and Unit 7 “Meeting Yasmin in Bursa” where our main characters go to the factory and ‘get down to business’. These unit have an increasing focus on Turkish Business Language and vocabulary related directly to the business world.

We are also pleased to report that Udo and John are continuing solidly with the Turkish language notes for Unit 5 which are also due to be released very soon.

New fonts and slight revamp

The interface now enjoys an update with three new fonts installed. The Turkish language and mother language fonts are now different making it easier upon first glance to differentiate between the two.

Work continues on the glossary and the pronunciation module. Updates will be announced as they become available.


HandsOnTurkish is a fully comprehensive eLearning course of the Turkish language for business purposes and you will be able to study independently and work towards taking one of our accredited units and gain credits, which are recognised within the European Qualifications Framework.

This project has been developed with the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union.

Thank you for visiting HandsOnTurkish. Our award winning interactive courses of Turkish have been developed for anyone with a genuine interest in the Turkish language and Turkish culture, whether for private, educational or professional reasons and are specially designed for self-study. Our website and our language courses are free from advertisements and we don't share any personal details of our visitors or registered members with third parties. Nor do we sell data for targeted advertising. We believe passionately that learning should be free from commercial distractions. For this reason we rely on subscriptions to fund the development of our products. Click here to find out more about our online Turkish courses.