Proverbs offer an important insight into a nation’s culture. Here are some Turkish proverbs with their English translations.

Kendini evindeymiş gibi hisset.

Feel at home.

Şu duvarların bir dili olsa da konuşsa …

If these walls could speak a language …

İt ürür, kervan yürür.

Dogs bark, but the caravan goes on.

Dereyi görmeden pacalari sıvama.

Do not roll up your trousers before reaching the stream.

Yol bilenle yürüyen yorulmaz.

Whoever works with experts will never tire on his journey.

Damlaya damlaya göl olur.

Drop by drop it becomes a lake.

Verirsen veresiye, batarsın karasuya.

If you give on credit, you’ll sink in dark waters.

Dost ile ye, iç, alışveriş etme.

Eat and drink with a good friend, but don’t shop or barter with them.

İnsanın vatanı doğduğu yer değil, doyduğu yerdir.

A person’s country isn’t where they were born, but where they eat well.

Tuzu kuru.

His/her salt is dry.

El kazanı ile aş kaynamaz.

You can’t cook food in a stranger’s cauldron.


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