Bursa in Turkey
Historical Bursa Bursa was founded in the second century BC by the Bythinian king Prusius. The king followed the advice of the Carthaginian general Hannibal, who had taken refuge with Prusius after fleeing from the Roman army, to build the city on a hill where it...
EU-Turkish negotiations take a new turn
Turkey has been trying to join the European Union for almost thirty years. The first application was to join the European Economic Zone was back in 1987. Since then, the European Union has more than doubled in size but Turkey has been left out in the cold. Turkey's...
G20 Talks in Turkey
Whilst Europe grapples with the ballooning migrant crisis and whilst in Syria the conflict continues to escalate, the leaders of twenty of the World's most developed economies sat down together in Turkey. A fitting location since Turkey holds a strategically key...
RenPostası newspaper article about HandsOnTurkish
The article above has appeared in the Turkish newspaper RenPostası, following an interview with our German Turkish colleague Mrs Güler. RenPostası (RhinePost) is a regional newspaper that is published in Sinzig, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. It is the only Turkish...
About our Turkish Digital Badge & Certificate
As part of the HandsOnTurkish project, we have developed a new and innovative system of certification for language learning. This article explains what digital badges and digital certification are, how they are related to language learning; the article also provides...
Getting around in Istanbul
Getting around The daily Istanbul traffic jam begins in the morning at around 7 o’clock when everybody leaves home to go to work. The overcrowded streets remain congested until 10 o’clock. This is then repeated in the evening from about 5 to 8 o’clock when people...
Turkish Soap Operas
Turkish soap operas are incredibly popular, regularly topping the TV ratings in countries from Kazakhstan to Chile. The soaps are typically over an hour long per episode, with family drama, as well as matters of honour and love at the forefront. A typical example is...
Turkish Language Android App Updates September
The Android HandsOnTurkish app has been updated with a number of improvements and extra content. Key updates Updated code to ensure that fast interaction is possible on all devices. New and cleaner interface design. New navigation layout at the top and...
Advertising in Turkey
Advertising in Turkey, like advertising everywhere, often uses cultural conventions to sell products. If you have to work on an advertising campaign aimed at the general public, it may be worth talking to a Turkish colleague about how to fit it better around local...
German Turkish Economic Forum Cologne
On Thursday, Sept. 3rd Udo Hennig, a partner on the HandsOnTurkish project, attended the German-Turkish Economic Forum hosted by the Cologne Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) and supported by the Turkish-German Chamber of Commerce (TD-IHK, Cologne, Berlin) as well as the Euro-Mediterranean-Arab Association (EMA, Hamburg).
Of MOOCS and MALLS – What lies ahead?
International Eurocall Conference, Padova, Italy, August 2015. Although hailed as “Critical CALL”, most presentations simply weren’t critical enough especially when faced with a very rapidly changing environment for digital language learning.
Crunching big numbers is easy in Turkish
In any interactive website, you can't get around taking care of the security side. Especially when it's a leading Turkish e-learning platform supplying internationally recognised accreditations. And internet security is all about very, very large numbers. The current...
Meeting: Turkish language assessment
Last week we began work on the assessment and certification solutions for the Turkish language. Assessment and certification are both key components of language learning for any learner, but ever more so for those in the business and vocational domain, who wish to see...
First meeting with Turkish business partners
When meeting prospective Turkish business partners for the first time, it is a good idea to get to know them on a personal level. Ask about your contact’s family (without being too prying or personal). Questions about children will always be welcomed. When greeting a...
Preparing the Turkish Language Certificate
Hello from Bath! Carl, Udo and I are having a quick meeting in Bath to iron out all the bugs in the First Steps In Turkish and start preparing the Turkish Language Test.
Trialling HandsOnTurkish at the Goetheschule Germany
A group of pupils at the Goetheschule in Koblenz, Germany, have been working with HandsOnTurkish for some time. On Thursday, July 9th, the German partners of the HandsOnTurkish project, Mrs Beyhan Güler and Mr Udo Hennig, presented the school with 15 new headphones to...
Investor aus Türkei mit NRW.Invest Award ausgezeichnet
Türkische Firmen investieren weiter in Europa! Neben zwei Investoren aus China und Japan wurde der türkische Nuss-Spezialist Tadım am 22. Juni 2015 mit dem vom Wirtschaftsministerium Nordrhein-Westfalen und der landeseigenen Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft...
The Turkish Lira
Over the past fifteen years, the Turkish currency, the Turkish Lira (TRY *) depreciated considerably against the US dollar and the Euro. During this period, inflation was Turkey's main economic challenge. The hyperinflational periods which plagued Turkey in the latter...