by Dagmar R. | Mar 20, 2015 | News
Recently, we initiated a focus group with some students to test the new EU-funded HandsOnTurkish course. This took place in the renowned Merhaba Centre in Koblenz. One of the project partners, Beyhan Güler, is vice-chairman of the Merhaba centre which seeks to promote...
by Dagmar R. | Feb 1, 2015 | News
As our colleague, Jeroen Lichtenauer, reported last week on the Dutch site (, the huge Dutch fashion brand, Mexx, was taken over and rescued from bankruptcy by a Turkish company, Eroglu. As Jeroen pointed out, words and numbers about how great...
by Dagmar R. | Oct 30, 2014 | News
HandsOnTurkish is an innovative, new EU-funded project to develop an eLearning course of Turkish for businesses available online and on the appstores. We put a lot of effort and passion into our work but we do require feedback from our learners to ensure that the...
by Dagmar R. | May 2, 2014 | News
Mrs Bayan Güler (Autorendiesnt Güler), Udo Hennig (littlefolks) and Carl Taylor (Pendragon Educational Publishers) met in the Merhaba Cultural and Training Centre in Koblenz Germany for a three day working session. They agenda covered the following topics: Writing the...
by Dagmar R. | Mar 14, 2014 | News
Carl Taylor, Udo Hennig and Mrs Beyhan Güler met in Koblenz to discuss the content for the Turkish course. During the weekend they established the main characters and storyline for all the units and discussed in greater detail the input dialogues for the first 8...
by Dagmar R. | Feb 11, 2014 | News
We have already started developing some demo content which will be released shortly. This is firstly to start transferring the technology from the Webstar project and stress-testing it with the Turkish content. NT and MP created a new folder with the assets and used...