Greetings in Turkish

Greetings in Turkish

Here are some useful Turkish phrases for greetings you might find useful when travelling in Turkey. Turkish greetings Günaydın  –   Good morning Merhaba / Selam  –  Hello İyi akşamlar –   Good evening İyi günler –  Good day   Asking how...
Turkish is an official EU language

Turkish is an official EU language

Turkish has become an official language of the European Union. It is now the 25th official language of the European Union. By implication this would mean that all public EU reports and documentation now need to be translated into Turkish. The breakthrough has little...
Learning Turkish Words

Learning Turkish Words

One of the key topics that was discussed at the 1st International Congress of Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language was how to teach Turkish vocabulary. Turkish words are notoriously difficult to learn as they bear no resemblance to words from other European...