Verbal Adjectives in Turkish

Verbal Adjectives in Turkish

Usually verbal adjectives, just like normal adjectives in Turkish, modify a “headword” – which is usually the noun that comes after it. Normal adjective: Tatlı kız – sweet girl Verbal adjective: Tatlı olan kız. – The girl who is sweet. Verbal adjective: Evleneceğim...
Verbal nouns in Turkish

Verbal nouns in Turkish

In the dictionary, all verbs in Turkish end with the stem -mek or -mak, according to vowel harmony. To make a verbal noun out of a verb, we usually take off the -mek or -mak, and add -me or -ma – in effect merely removing the k at the end. So yüzmek is to swim, but...
Verbal Adjectives in Turkish

Turkish Language: Consonant Harmony

There are two types of consonant harmony in the Turkish language. For the first, you should remember the phrase fıstıkçı Şahap, which literally means Şahap the nut-seller. This apparent nonsense is useful because it contains all the “hard” consonants in Turkish: f   s...