Useful phrases | HandsOnTurkish Learn Turkish: learn online or get the apps Wed, 19 Oct 2022 09:53:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Discussing business logistics in Turkish Wed, 19 Oct 2022 09:52:55 +0000 Useful phrases when talking to Turkish business partners about logistics. Asgari sipariş miktarı ne kadar?                                                What is the minimum order quantity? Örnek koleksiyonu ne zaman gönderebilirsiniz?              […]

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Useful phrases when talking to Turkish business partners about logistics.

Asgari sipariş miktarı ne kadar?                                               

What is the minimum order quantity?

Örnek koleksiyonu ne zaman gönderebilirsiniz?                 

When can you send the sample collection?

Üretim ne kadar sürer?                                                              

How long do you need for the production?

Malları nasıl paketliyorsunuz?                                                 

How do you package the goods?

Malları hangi yolla gönderiyorsunuz?                                   

How do you ship the goods?

Hangi nakliye firmasıyla çalışıyorsunuz?                             

Which shipping company do you work with?

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Best museums in Turkey – Useful phrases: Visiting a museum in Turkey Sun, 21 Jan 2018 15:15:27 +0000 Here is the list of the best Turkish state museums Topkapi Palace Museum, Istanbul Hagia Sophia Museum, Istanbul Mevlana Museum, Konya Istanbul Archaeological Museum, Istanbul Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara Zeugma Mosaic Museum, Gaziantep Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts, Istanbul Antalya Archaeological Museum, Antalya Gobeklitepe Museum, Sanliurfa Goreme Open Air Museum, Nevsehir To find […]

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Here is the list of the best Turkish state museums
  1. Topkapi Palace Museum, Istanbul
  2. Hagia Sophia Museum, Istanbul
  3. Mevlana Museum, Konya
  4. Istanbul Archaeological Museum, Istanbul
  5. Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, Ankara
  6. Zeugma Mosaic Museum, Gaziantep
  7. Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts, Istanbul
  8. Antalya Archaeological Museum, Antalya
  9. Gobeklitepe Museum, Sanliurfa
  10. Goreme Open Air Museum, Nevsehir

To find out more about museums in Turkey, visit this site.

Some useful phrases for visiting a museum in Turkey.

İki müzekartı istiyorum, lütfen.
I would like to have a ticket for the museum, please.

Bir bilet istiyorum, lütfen.
I’d like one ticket, please.

Özür dilerim, hediyelik eşya dükkanı nerede?
Excuse me, where is the souvenir shop?

Film ne zaman başlıyor?
When does the film start?

Film ne kadar sürüyor?
How long is the film?

Çıkış kapısı nerede?
Where is the exit?

Müze rehberini nereden satın alabilirim?
Where can I buy a museum guidebook?

İngilizce sesli rehber alabilir miyim?
Can I have an English-language audio guide?

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A famous Turkish hotel – and useful phrases: checking into a hotel. Mon, 04 Dec 2017 12:06:35 +0000 Çelik Palas This is one of the oldest and best-known hotels in Bursa, in Turkey.  The original construction of this hotel was ordered by Kemal Atatürk as a hotel belonging to state. It was designed by one of most famous architects from the 1900s: Giulio Mongeri. He put into practice the slogan of Cesar Ritz, […]

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Çelik Palas

This is one of the oldest and best-known hotels in Bursa, in Turkey.  The original construction of this hotel was ordered by Kemal Atatürk as a hotel belonging to state. It was designed by one of most famous architects from the 1900s: Giulio Mongeri. He put into practice the slogan of Cesar Ritz, ‘the most important thing in a hotel is the right location’.

The location is outstanding with a 360 degree panoramic view over the city of Bursa and the surrounding area. The terrace of the restaurant has an impressive view of Uludağ, the mighty mountain. In ancient times Gods are supposed to have watched the Trojan War from the top of Uludağ.

In 2007 the hotel was privatised and renovated. The renovations remained faithful to the original.

Some useful phrases when staying in a Turkish hotel

İki geceliğine tek kişilik bir odanız var mı?
Do you have a single room for two nights?

Balkonlu bir oda verebilir misiniz?
Can you give me a room with a balcony?

Otelin kablosuz internet erişim kodunu verebilir misiniz?
Can you give me the password for the internet?

Odada diş macunu var mı?
Do you have toothpaste in the room?

Odamda bornoz yok.
There is no bathrobe in my room.

Odama kahvaltı gönderebilir misiniz?
Can you send breakfast to my room?

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Greetings in Turkish Mon, 20 Nov 2017 11:56:53 +0000 The post Greetings in Turkish appeared first on HandsOnTurkish.

Here are some useful Turkish phrases for greetings you might find useful when travelling in Turkey.

Turkish greetings

Günaydın  –   Good morning

Merhaba / Selam  –  Hello

İyi akşamlar –   Good evening

İyi günler –  Good day


Asking how someone is

Nasılsınız?  –  How are you? (formal)

Nasılsın? –  How are you? (informal)

Hoşça kal  – Goodbye (informal)

Hoşça kalın  – Goodbye (formal)

İyi geceler   –  Good night  


Saying /Goodbye

Güle güle –  Goodbye (Spoken by the host, who stays in the location)

Allahaısmarladık   – Goodbye (Spoken by the guest, who leaves the location)

Görüşmek üzere.  – See you later. / See you soon.

İyi yolculuklar.  –  Have a good journey.

Yolunuz açık olsun. – Have a good trip.

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Useful Phrases Public transport in Turkey Tue, 05 Sep 2017 16:48:11 +0000 Here are some useful phrases you might need when using public transport in Turkey. Bana bir taksi çağırır mısınız lütfen? –  Can you order a taxi for me, please? Saat dokuz buçukta gelsin lütfen. –  For 9.30, please. Borcum ne kadar? –  How much do I owe you? Kaç para tuttu?  –  How much was it? Burada inebilir miyim?  […]

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Here are some useful phrases you might need when using public transport in Turkey.

Bana bir taksi çağırır mısınız lütfen? –  Can you order a taxi for me, please?

Saat dokuz buçukta gelsin lütfen. –  For 9.30, please.

Borcum ne kadar? –  How much do I owe you?

Kaç para tuttu?  –  How much was it?

Burada inebilir miyim?  –  Can I get out here?

Affedersiniz, İstanbulkartı´nı nereden alabilirim?   –  Excuse me, where can I buy an Istanbul card?

Hangi Metrobüs Taksim istikametine gidiyor? –  Which Metrobus goes to Taksim?

Hangi tramvay Karaköy istikametine gidiyor?   – Which tram goes to Karaköy?

Sirkeci durağında duruyor musunuz? – Do you stop at Sirkeci?

Bana yarın sabah saat sekizde kiralık bir otomobil gerekli. – Tomorrow morning at 8 I will need a rental car.

Dizel ve otomatik olsun lütfen.  –  It should be a diesel with automatic transmission, please.

Üç günlüğüne. Ödemeyi kredi kartıyla yapacağım.  –  For three days. I will pay by credit card.


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Useful Phrases: Dining in a Turkish restaurant Tue, 29 Aug 2017 12:35:22 +0000 Here are some useful Turkish phrases for when you are dining in a Turkish restaurant. Saat bir için bir masa ayırtmak istiyorum. – I would like to book a table for 1 o’clock. Dört kişilik lütfen. –  For four people, please. Yemek listesini alabilir miyiz lütfen?  –  Could we have the menu, please? Şarap listesini alabilir miyiz lütfen?- […]

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Here are some useful Turkish phrases for when you are dining in a Turkish restaurant.

Saat bir için bir masa ayırtmak istiyorum. – I would like to book a table for 1 o’clock.

Dört kişilik lütfen. –  For four people, please.

Yemek listesini alabilir miyiz lütfen?  –  Could we have the menu, please?

Şarap listesini alabilir miyiz lütfen?-  Could we have the wine list, please?

Sabit menünüz var mı? –  Do you have a set menu?

Vejetaryan yemekleriniz de var mı?  –  Do you also have vegetarian meals?

Bir salata istiyorum lütfen. – I would like a salad, please.

Su alabilir miyim lütfen?   –  Can I have water, please?

Tatlı listesini getirir misiniz lütfen?  –   Could you bring the dessert menu, please?

İki baklava ve iki sütlaç lütfen. – Two baklava and two rice puddings, please.

Hesabı getirir misiniz lütfen?-  Could you bring the bill, please?

Faturayı getirir misiniz lütfen? – Could you bring a receipt, please?

Hepsi beraber lütfen.   – Everything together, please.

Ayrı ayrı ödeyebilir miyiz?  –   Can we pay separately?

Affedersiniz, sigara içenler bölümü nerede? – Excuse me, where is the smoking area?

Affedersiniz, lavabo nerede? –  Excuse me, where is the bathroom?

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