Frank and Sarah are a young couple who own a small business selling fashion articles. They are based in Edinburgh in Scotland. They want to expand with their own label and they have ideas for new fashion items. They want to outsource the production to Turkey. They also want to identify products for importing.

Frank and Sarah have identified three or four potential business partners who they want to meet in Turkey during a visit there.

The most interesting company appears to be a small textile business in Bursa, in the northwest part of Anatolia. It is run by Yasemin and Deniz. They manufacture silk textiles, boutique type textiles and home textiles. They would also like to do business with European companies. What appeals to Frank and Sarah is that Yasemin and Deniz have lots of contacts to other manufacturers in ceramics, lamps, tiles, etc.

Deniz maintains an office in Istanbul, where he meets clients. Yasemin looks after production in Bursa.

Frank and Sara have arranged to travel to Turkey to meet Yasemin and Deniz.

Deniz has booked them into the Pera Palace hotel, a famous landmark in Istanbul, which has hosted guests such as Alfred Hitchcock, Ernest Hemingway and Agatha Christie.

As Deniz has an office in Istanbul, they will have an opportunity to get to know each other better and establish a good personal relationship which is vital when doing business in Turkey. They will also be able to do some sightseeing, try some Turkish food and do some shopping. They will then drive with Deniz to Bursa to meet Yasemin, inspect the factory and discuss their ideas for collaboration.

During the journey to Bursa they will take the car ferry across the Sea of Marmara. This will be another opportunity to consolidate their personal relationship …

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